
New Awakening Beginning July 14, 2013

I’m Archangel Michael

The winds will be blowing in different directions now.  So be wary, be alert, make sure you keep your protection around you at all times, call to me, keep Ba close at hand; he can stay right there in your back pocket for whenever you need him because the winds are change.  It is going to get very stormy before it gets clear.  But we are prepared and most of you are prepared too.  

This 33 day period that we spoke about much earlier on has seem to come to the end.  When it ends, it is just the beginning of something else new starting again.  For the first major 33 days is when most of humanity, this vehicle and other close connections to this vehicle, noticed different changes, vibrationally, emotionally, physically, throughout the planet, spiritually, all these changes were part of the beginning of this 33 day period.   

When the 33 days are over on July 13, starting July 14 is like a new awakening.   This is when everyone can breathe in the air of the Masters.  It’s a shared airspace, you see, the exhale and inhale and from the 14th of July it’s a shared in-breath of incoming manna from the Masters, from the Divine God Source.  The energy that is made up of that breath of that manna from the Great Central Sun and the God Source there would have made a lot of its changes already and will be coming through the human form as the humans inhale it.  It is part of the development, part of the growth, part of the Divine-ness awakening.  

I am Thoth

We have been very active through Egypt now and we have been holding a space of calmness for those that are connected into us, which are many.   As things start to progress and evolve and they change their constitutions, their programs, their written rules and laws and things, you should know that I will be overseeing that of course.   November 10 is the time for the trip to Egypt I am so very much looking forward to feeling the vibration of this group to be on the land of their roots.  It’s going to be a spectacular time.  Everything is going to be not as it seems right now.  Things are going to be completely different, but what happens with each group and each being that is there on this land, is going to be something that is non describable right now.  You will just have to wait and see.   Even this channel doesn’t know what she’s going to do.  She won’t know until we get her there and then we will start getting her tidbits a little bit ahead of time but not much.  We will give her enough to put something on the website but not much because when she returns with her tribe to our land, their land, many initiations will happen.  Many changes will occur for the people that have chosen to be part of it, so exciting times, very exciting times.  We are all in readiness for it. From here forward it is just more amazing and more amazing.  

The different planets are starting to meld together.  They are starting to merge closer in. That’s not necessarily the planets in this solar system but in the other solar systems that are in the far, far reaches from here.  Its part of their Ascension, that’s going on here on the earth plane to help assist them in their melding and their merging.   The further along that the humans come and the light workers and beings of light and the Ascended Masters and all the wonderful Angels and Arch Angels from all the kingdoms in all the realms put forth their efforts to help the humans here and to help this planet, and then those planets will be able to accomplish their success also.  There are so many things going on that are just outside this context of understand in this particular little space here called Planet Earth, that it’s just mind-boggling for humans but it is not for us, you see, because we are kind of orchestrating it.  Part of me is over there in Egypt taking care of that, part of me is over here taking care of this, part of me is everywhere else that needs me, you see.  It’s one of the neat things we can do.  

As Merlin and as Thoth, we are combined you see.  Sometimes I will speak as Merlin and sometimes I will speak as Thoth.  They are just names you know, they are just labels, like finger, fingernail, toe, toenail but it is still body.   It is still part of the all, overall body. So instead of saying finger and fingernail we could say body but we come through and we don’t say the Almighty One, the main Central Sun Source God, we say Thoth or we say Merlin or we say Arthur or we say Michael, you see.  It is very much so all one in the same.  Which is the Divine reflection of each one of you, see.  How it is written is that you were created in that image, though it is much more than that.  You are that image, you are all of that.  You were always with us from the beginning, all of you, just different times.  You had different periods of amnesia and different periods of partially awakening, back through to oblivious, into amnesia, into partial amnesia and now you are coming into full on awakening.  

Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.July 10, 2013.  Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html


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