
This is what I'm doing to help heal the problems in Egypt and by doing this, it causes an energetic grid connection from the three main pyramid areas that help to heal, cleans and raise the world vibrations also. We are all light workers and our combined efforts will help to resolve the unrest quicker than without our help. Here's the details if anyone would like to join in the effort for speeder resolution in a graceful, healing, easing way. It's not only the fact that you are making these energetic grids, but it's the intention behind the effort and the love you send out as you work on and finish your project. Once it's completed, spend a bit of time speaking with your Guides and Higher Self asking for their help to send this energy out to ease, protect and heal this situation and our planet. Thanks to all of you who combine their efforts for this and to all of you who have been sending healing, loving, caring thought impressions to the cosmic. Much love to every one of you.

On the map: (you can do this on a very small map like I did)
Egypt: Place (or stack) in as close to pyramid shape you can do Rose Quartz surrounded by a circle quartz crystals. Sprinkle with a bit of Rose essence or whatever Rose oil you might have.
Mexico: Use Citrine for pyramid shape surrounded by quartz crystal and aquamarine (if you don't have aqua you can use Adventurine). Place a little Lavender essence on the center Citrine.
Peru: Use Adventurine as the center pyramid shape surrounded by quartz crystal. Use a touch of Blue Lotus or Rosemary on the Adventurine.

If you can, once you make this chart, leave it in a area that it can be left sitting for a few weeks or so. When the new moon arrives it will intensify this vibration.


I am Amun-Ra. We love Egypt as much as you do. It is all of our homeland, so to speak, for most of us in our realm who wished to be part of planet Earths development. It is also the ancient homeland of many of who are in human form at this particular period. We are helping to restore the balance that the planet must have in order to raise itself into its higher dimension that it is preparing to do. All will be settled soon and as we have said in past Discourses, soon to us can be 20 minutes or 200 years, but soon, very soon. Please, please relax about all of this. Your job is to send love, healing, and blessed energy to the planet and to that area of unrest at this time. Your job is also to remember to call to us for assistance and to strengthen and magnify the positive energies and vibration you send out in a concentrated focused effort to help ease all involved in this situation. Remember, do not allow yourself to think any negative thoughts, any limiting, and blocking thoughts or allow any disturbing energies of overwhelming sadness overtake you. Call to us through your free will and allow us to hold your hand to ease away any thoughts that are not of the highest good for all. Energy and vibrations through thoughts, single and especially combined thoughts, are projected into the cosmic and become manifested matter. These thoughts, depending upon your thought ideals, will either help to heal the earth or be reflected back poorly upon you, the thought sender. We are all loving and have unconditional love for all upon this planet and in the many galaxies we are working with. Every being upon the earth plane at this period is already a master of creation so the thoughts are extremely important. We cannot stress this enough. For many, the veil is drawn so tightly that they are unaware of their master abilities and status but for many others they understand their powers and can instantly heal and manifest health,, wealth, and blessings even upon areas such as the upheaval that is going on in Egypt now. Combine your efforts,, combine your strengths, combine your thoughts and only, only think loving, healing, easing, blessing and graceful thoughts when you hear of anything about this unrest. You have the power, even from all the way across the planet to help to ease any situation that you set your mind to. We are depending on you. This is part of what your job is. Part of what we have been telling you all along in past Discourses and meditations. You are light workers. Only send light, love energy to the land and to others. We know you understand the importance of this message through the guidance and acceptance of your higher self. We love you and we will be with you to intensify your blessed, protected, vibrations and energies as you send healing to the planet.


I thought this yearly reading by Doreen Virtue (posted at the bottom) pretty much tells the same story as the messages from my guides and what they are discussing during the monthly Discourses that are given at Spirit Quest.

The Guides and Masters have been talking about the upcoming changes and ways to keep your ego self in control so your Higher Self can guide you through any difficulties and any areas in your life experience. Most of us keep getting the same messages over and over and it's time that we starting listening to those messages. If you want a video or audio of the past discourses, we will have them available at the Spirit Quest Center in Old Town Spring, TX and on my Beloved Essences website. So far there have been two Discourses given. The first one was December 18, 2010 where Isis, ATON, Lord Maitreya and others gave their messages. The second Discourse was yesterday, January 22, 2011 where, Isis, Amun-Ra, Lord Maitreya, ATON, a Council Member from Ornack, Commander Ashtar, Saint Germain, Lady Master Nada all shared their messages and they were joined by Mother Mary, Master Jesus, Archangel Michael and others.

The next Discourse is scheduled for February 19, 2011 just after I return from Egypt if you want to mark your calendar and join us. It is very important that you let me know as soon as you can if you are planning on attending due to the very limited seating space. My Guides have been speaking a lot about the powerful energy and vibrations from that land of Egypt and about the lovely pure Egyptian Essences that are blessed by them and by their messenger at the Giza Plateau. These Essences help us to reduce resistance and removed any blocks that can delay us on becoming our true selves.


Saturday, January 22, 2010 1 - 3 pm at Spirit Quest Center, Spring, TX
You are invited to a Discourse from the Council of Ornack spoken through Our Representative, Dr. Madalyn Kennedy

I am excited over this next discourse on Saturday, January 22. I’m understanding that this one will be very power packed. So much so that I’m to be sitting instead of standing to channel their messages from the different Masters and Guides. They also did not request for participants to bring a flower as we did last month but the Essences will still be placed on each one who attends. If I get a message of that changing I will let everyone know.

We will also video and record the session. Our video and audio recordings from last month’s session is almost complete and will be available very soon now. These are to be a monthly Discourse with different topics and messages each month. You might want to mark your calendars for the February Discourse. It’s scheduled for February 22 which will be a week after my return from Egypt. No telling what they will be speaking about then. Every time I return from Egypt, serious changes and shifts occur and I know each time I get clearer and stronger in my connection and understanding to our higher guidance.

Again we have limited seating. Your confirmation of payment reserves your seat. 1st come 1st serve basis and several have already signed up. Let me know as soon as you can if you are coming on Saturday. We apologize in advance if you are unable to get in. However the videos and audios will be posted on the website of Beloved Essences or you can purchase them at the Spirit Quest Center.

Looking forward to seeing all of you again and welcome to the new attendees. Much love to all.