It opens breathing channels so it helps with asthma. The steam and vapor will kill bacteria and disinfect. It cleans the sinus, and helps relieve headaches. It’s wonderful to use before mediation to help clear you. The vibration from this essence helps with any sleep problems and to stop snoring. It also helps to prevent the destruction of the bodies normal antibiotics from consistent use of air-conditioning and helps to clean your body of air pollutants. Egypt has documented cases of the H1N1 virus having disappeared within one week with the use this Eucalyptus and Mint every morning and evening.
There are many ways to use this but when I'm really fighting off something I like to use my Egyptian pyrex glass candle burner to create a vapor around myself and breathe it in deeply. I do this several times a day and by the next day or so, I'm all better.
I'll tell you the way the Egyptians taught me how to best use this candle burner. Since it's pyrex it won't break when you heat it. Just put a small amount of Eucalyptus and Mint in the top part of the candle burner. It doesn't take much at all. You can see how much I have in the burner in the picture so just a tad bit more and your good. Use the open flame on you gas stove and carefully lay the larger bottom part where the flame touches it. Be sure to keep your fingers well away from the fire. Hold the candle burner at the very base and then watch for the essences to get hot. You will see the liquid start to move and come close to bubbling very quickly. Remove the burner from the flame and gently blow over the very top of the candle burner. You will see a plume of vapor going in the direction you are blowing. Now just move around the room and/or the person and keep blowing until no more vapor come off because the essence has cooled down. Pretty neat trick - -it's great and make the room and the person feel so much better. If you don't have a candle burner like this one, no worries. You can just use whatever candle burner you might already have on hand. Light the candle and let it burn for about 10 to 20 minutes only. Then blow it out. The essence will permeate the room and you will still get a good effect. You just won't get to actually see the vapor going all over as if you had used the other type of candle burner. You can do this same practice with any of the other Egyptian essences also. They really do make your environment feel and smell fantastic.
Another very good way to get excellent results and fast relief is to use warm water. You will really feel this working in your clogged up head, stuffy nose or blocked sinus quickly. Here's what you do.
Put a few drops in small amount of boiling water. Cover the cup and let sit for about ½ minute or so. Remove cover and as you do so close your eyes, lower head over steaming cup and gently inhale vapor in though your nose. Hold your breath for a brief period then softly blow a little out, not all of it. Hold breath again and place hands on hips to inhale a little more deeply, hold breath. Then softly exhale and little more but still not all of it. Inhale one more time even deeper, hold and softly exhale completely through your mouth. As you do these steps you will start to feel the vapor of the Eucalyptus and Mint move up through your nose, it will be felt gently moving to your head and brain, then down your throat and to your ribcage and your lungs. It will continue this movement for about 10 minutes and you will still feel it. Repeat this process as often as you feel. It’s best to use it for 1 week or 10 days initially and then use as often as needed.
AND there's still an even easier way to get the benefits from the Egyptian Eucalyptus and Mint. Whenever I'm feeling a little like something might be coming on or I have a small touch of a stuffy nose or sore throat trying to start in, I just go open my bottle and simply smell it!! That works wonders too!
SEE!! - I tried to warn you with the WOW comment at the beginning of this blog that this Egyptian Eucalyptus and Mint is fantastic can truly help keep us healthy. It's particularly high vibrational since this was prepared by the God-father Holy man in Giza and he has place special healing prayers and used the techniques passed down from the ancient priests to imbue the essence with healing vibrations from the pyramids, Sphinx and the ancient sands of Egypt itself. It is a very unique Eucalyptus and Mint. You don't need to take my word for it. You be your own judge. But once you do try it, I believe you will agree.
Repost from 5/18 from another blog.