Come with us on the most amazing Meditation/Healing/Higher Consciousness/Mother Earth Connection Experience that anyone could possibly imagine. Come with us on our journey and experience the vibrations that you can receive only from the Giza Plateau in EGYPT.
Madalyn Kennedy will be your host for this journey experience. She is an artist, author, healer, channel, gifted intuitive and uses EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and CBA (Complete/Cerebral Body Alignment) therapy. You will also meet and have a healing with the renowned Holy-man Godfather of Giza. This unique Holy-man helps you to become clear by removing anger, sadness, any blocks, negativity, and jealousy and allows you to have a new life. He offers a different type of healing session. He is a medium and a channel, knows reflexology and reiki, and practices one of the highest ancient healing techniques taught in the Egyptian temples. When you are touched by him you receive the vibrations of blessings.
We will have private meditations in the Great Pyramid, in the dessert at sunset, on the high terrace overlooking the pyramids, in the special treatment room and many more. You will feel light, clean and so bright from these meditations that your face will glow. There will be an evening dinner cruise on the Nile River, visit to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and enjoy the internationally famous Light and Sound Show in front of the Great Pyramid. We will also have 7 days private lodgings, concierge escorts from the airport, through customs and again for our departure flight, and private transportation during our stay. Many people who have taken this healing journey to Egypt have returned with their lives completely changed for the better.
If this is calling to you or you’re getting that urge to come see what this is about, please join us. You must hurry though because we are limited to 6 – 15 people and there are a few already signed up. If all spots are full, I will notify you and give you the option for the next trip. This trip is scheduled for us to be in Cairo September 19-26. Trips are scheduled regularly approximately every 4 months.
Visit our website at: http://www.belovedessences.com/up-coming-egypt-trip---sept-19-26.html .
We hope you can come for your one-on-one personal healing and journey to this wonderfully powerful land of Egypt.