YOU are the Masters of the Universe
We have said all this before over and over again and we will continue to say and send our messages of love to you for eternity because we will never tire of telling you that we love you, we are here for you, to call to us for help and that we have the ability to ease so much off away from your human way of thinking that you would be so totally in awe and live in complete bliss with our understanding of all things.
We fathom that you are of the mindset that things must only be applied in a certain way however we are aware of so many other ways to apply and achieve what your narrowly visioned mindset wants to achieve. You make things so hard on yourselves and we realize that this is part of why you chose to come to the earth plane in the first place. However, part of the original plan was for you to find your way back to the understanding and the realization that was so powerful which you left behind when you incarnated upon Mother Earth. Now that the planet is shifting so miraculously and the veil of illusion is thinning more and more each hour, as time is put in human thought framework, you are coming closer and closer to the alignment of your whole being and the veiled impressions are starting to lose their power over you. We are working from our dimension to help you understand more and more clearly that there is so much more waiting for you. So much more that you have already created and completed and left behind waiting for you to discover again. You have everything you could ever possibly need already finished, created, waiting and gathering momentum as it waits for you. We have been very proud watching each one of our beloved brothers and sisters as you graduated from level to level of understanding within your consciousness and your heart. We truly are very proud and are filled with so much love for you that it is impossible to describe in human terminology which would transfer the accurate emotion.
We send our information and impressions and feelings in thought form that is so powerful and instant which cannot be carried over into human words as beautifully or as quickly as we are intending our message to be. We are light energy, we are thought energy. We move, act and function with the speed of light and thought speed is immeasurable for the range of human words and emotion that is currently understood. You will see soon as you become more and more your original light being forms again. With the movement of energies which is now being focused upon your planet, many are already understanding our messages on a much deeper level. Everyone who reads our messages will receive the healing, loving energies which are imbued for you with our love. We work in many mysterious ways to assist you on this journey that each of you has chosen to take. You have chosen this journey because you are the strongest of the strong, wisest of the wise and have the truest hearts of all in the cosmic. You are the Masters of the Universe and we, the Ascended Masters in the Cosmic Realms are here ONLY to assist you. We are your co-workers, your agreed upon sidekicks, so to speak, your help mates upon which you can depend always and forever.