
We want to ask why?

Why so many humans are insisting on keeping their faces covered so to speak with their heads in the sand.  There is much happening to your planet now and this is not the time to continue in your veiled ideal of what is happening and what your part is during this shifting of energies.  We love everyone on your planet and this is why we are asking such a strong question now.  We are hoping that somehow our question will help to bring a different point of view into your consideration.  We are very powerful but you in your human forms are extremely powerful also.  Even in your human forms where so much of your extraordinary abilities are kept secret from your consciousness.  Even with that, you have powers beyond your imagination.  So we ask again. Why?

Listen to your heart centers.  Listen from your heart, not your head.  The human mind is only working at a small percentage of its total capacity.  Why place all your trust and belief systems in something it is not working at full capacity?  Your heart however does have the capacity to work at its full ability, so we say trust your heart center.  We know that you know the truth and that times are changing.  This change is for the better and the extreme benefit of the planet and all upon it.  The higher level light beings have been waiting for thousands upon thousands of years for this period and now if it finally here.  You have helped to plan these coming changes in your light body forms.  You all are part of us and part of the current changes. 

We are here to continue to encourage you to breathe deeply, close your eyes, relax into your center core and listen to the messages from your heart center.  They will not lead you astray.  We are ultimate unconditional love and that is what we have to share with you.  We know that once you truly reach into your heart center core you will recognize all this for truth and you will be aware and ready to assist in this elevated shift of human consciousness and of the planet.  We say no longer is there a need to keep yourself veiled from the fundamental truths that we are speaking to you now.  There are strong vibrations placed upon these words and as you read them, you will begin to make small simple shifts in your consciousness remembering this truth. 
We are here for you and for all the magnificent kingdoms on your beautiful planet. 

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