

Please Join Us During this Most Important Time in the History of our Planet.

at 3 pm GMT which is 5 pm in Egypt, 10 am Central
Now until July 26, 2013

We will do this meditation until July 26th, which is the moment of heliacal rising of Sirius and was the New Year for ancient Egyptians, a beginning of a new cycle, the moment when the old is completed.


New Awakening Beginning July 14, 2013

I’m Archangel Michael

The winds will be blowing in different directions now.  So be wary, be alert, make sure you keep your protection around you at all times, call to me, keep Ba close at hand; he can stay right there in your back pocket for whenever you need him because the winds are change.  It is going to get very stormy before it gets clear.  But we are prepared and most of you are prepared too.  

This 33 day period that we spoke about much earlier on has seem to come to the end.  When it ends, it is just the beginning of something else new starting again.  For the first major 33 days is when most of humanity, this vehicle and other close connections to this vehicle, noticed different changes, vibrationally, emotionally, physically, throughout the planet, spiritually, all these changes were part of the beginning of this 33 day period.   

When the 33 days are over on July 13, starting July 14 is like a new awakening.   This is when everyone can breathe in the air of the Masters.  It’s a shared airspace, you see, the exhale and inhale and from the 14th of July it’s a shared in-breath of incoming manna from the Masters, from the Divine God Source.  The energy that is made up of that breath of that manna from the Great Central Sun and the God Source there would have made a lot of its changes already and will be coming through the human form as the humans inhale it.  It is part of the development, part of the growth, part of the Divine-ness awakening.  

I am Thoth

We have been very active through Egypt now and we have been holding a space of calmness for those that are connected into us, which are many.   As things start to progress and evolve and they change their constitutions, their programs, their written rules and laws and things, you should know that I will be overseeing that of course.   November 10 is the time for the trip to Egypt I am so very much looking forward to feeling the vibration of this group to be on the land of their roots.  It’s going to be a spectacular time.  Everything is going to be not as it seems right now.  Things are going to be completely different, but what happens with each group and each being that is there on this land, is going to be something that is non describable right now.  You will just have to wait and see.   Even this channel doesn’t know what she’s going to do.  She won’t know until we get her there and then we will start getting her tidbits a little bit ahead of time but not much.  We will give her enough to put something on the website but not much because when she returns with her tribe to our land, their land, many initiations will happen.  Many changes will occur for the people that have chosen to be part of it, so exciting times, very exciting times.  We are all in readiness for it. From here forward it is just more amazing and more amazing.  

The different planets are starting to meld together.  They are starting to merge closer in. That’s not necessarily the planets in this solar system but in the other solar systems that are in the far, far reaches from here.  Its part of their Ascension, that’s going on here on the earth plane to help assist them in their melding and their merging.   The further along that the humans come and the light workers and beings of light and the Ascended Masters and all the wonderful Angels and Arch Angels from all the kingdoms in all the realms put forth their efforts to help the humans here and to help this planet, and then those planets will be able to accomplish their success also.  There are so many things going on that are just outside this context of understand in this particular little space here called Planet Earth, that it’s just mind-boggling for humans but it is not for us, you see, because we are kind of orchestrating it.  Part of me is over there in Egypt taking care of that, part of me is over here taking care of this, part of me is everywhere else that needs me, you see.  It’s one of the neat things we can do.  

As Merlin and as Thoth, we are combined you see.  Sometimes I will speak as Merlin and sometimes I will speak as Thoth.  They are just names you know, they are just labels, like finger, fingernail, toe, toenail but it is still body.   It is still part of the all, overall body. So instead of saying finger and fingernail we could say body but we come through and we don’t say the Almighty One, the main Central Sun Source God, we say Thoth or we say Merlin or we say Arthur or we say Michael, you see.  It is very much so all one in the same.  Which is the Divine reflection of each one of you, see.  How it is written is that you were created in that image, though it is much more than that.  You are that image, you are all of that.  You were always with us from the beginning, all of you, just different times.  You had different periods of amnesia and different periods of partially awakening, back through to oblivious, into amnesia, into partial amnesia and now you are coming into full on awakening.  

Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.July 10, 2013.  Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html



Tick Tock - the time is Now - from Master Hilarion, Lord Maitreya, Arch Angel Ariel and The Great Divine Director


Your body is a gift and most humans do not recognize the importance of their gift of the body.  It is good to work out, eat better and overall take better care of your gift.

I am Ariel, Arch Angel Ariel. 

It is my honor to be here.You and many other people on the planet have been awakening probably in ways that you are not accustomed to and they are not accustomed to but the awakening is happening regardless, none the less.

Many of us from the angelic realm look over most of all humanity all the time.  We do other things too but right now our important focus is to help humanity.  We know it is appreciated.  Even if it is not appreciated, we do it you see because it is what we are about.  We are complete and total assistant to the masses that call to us.  Through the assistance that we can offer, much of humanities plight can be lightened, softened and even dissolved.  The trick here is for humanity to remember, remember that we have the ability to help and assist in all things. We have been granted that you see from our one eternal source.

So we graciously are here, happily are here and without any expectation of returned love or appreciation.  We do what we do because this is what we are.  The love that comes from the humanity base back to us for what we do is wonderful.  We magnify that love and turn it around and send it back to you.

The Great Divine Director 

 Little bit here, little bit there.  We have scurrying here and scurrying there.  People are wondering what’s going one.  They don’t know how to do what they think they need to do next to help this person, to alleviate this problem, to fix this pain.  Scurry, scurry, scurry.  Just like little rats and little ants.  Scurry, scurry, scurry.   And I say to you now, no scurrying for these people.  All you have to do, wonderful beings of light, is to stop scurrying, sit, get quiet, listen and we will speak with you and help you with your right choices.  We will support you.  We are always here to help guide and redirect you when necessary.  However, earth is a free will planet so by free will we will leave you alone as you wish.  But by free will we will also come and give you great tid bits and great guidance, as you wish, if you ask.
From the realm that I come from there is not scurrying at all.  It is wonderful to be part of this change of our beautiful planet, Mother Earth.  We are excited to see it happen even amongst all the angst and anxiousness that is going on and being shot up into the grid everywhere.  We are excited.  We ask that the human race calm their concerns, calm their worries.  We have a great appreciation and a great love for all that has been afforded us in the way of help from the light workers, from all who are part of the plan to help the planet with the ascension.

We have temples everywhere.  We have ships everywhere that are waiting in readiness for if something happens to just tilt the whole plan up, the energetic vibrational hum of your planet.  We are on the ready to remove those who need to be removed.  To shelter those who need to be sheltered.  To heal those who need to be healed.  And to hold the right vibrational space for those who need to continue a little further in their growth path.

(To you who have lost a twin flame or other loved one)
We want you to please remove sadness from your aura, sorrow from your heart.  You had wonderful, wonderful  ,wonderful years with the amazing being that we sent to you and we want you to recognize that part of what all you did do together, not with longing-ness but with love and excitement and acceptance; because now it is time for us to be together.  It is time to do your part if you are ready.  We are saying, in order to help ready you, it is best to leave the sorrow aside.  Replace it with love and lightness and happiness and gladness of the memory of your wonderful times and not the impression of you being down here alone; because you are far from alone.  We know you know that but we want to make sure that you KNOW that.  You have to know it in every fiber of your being.  And if you really and truly know that you are not alone in any way, shape or form because so many of us are with you, along with your beautiful twin flame, then you can look at your own body and see them, or see me, or see St. Germain.  You can actually see your face change because you are part of us and we are part of you.  You are not alone.  So when you make a decision to do something, you are not making a decision for you to do something, you are making a decision for your twin flame, for me, for St. Germain, for Arch Angel Michael, for the Captain that is with you, all to do something.  If you will just remember to look past yourself and know that this is all here too, it is like you carry a huge headdress; heavy with many feathers and each feather is one of us.  So as you turn your head and you walk and you move and we, as the heavy headdress, have to go with you.  If you decide to stick you head under water, we on your heavy headdress, go under water with you.  You are not alone, you carry us with you and in turn we carry you.  We want you to be happy.  We see the true you, the happy you, the light you, the joyful you, the real you that is us and all you can project out is love.  No more sadness and sorrow.

Dear one, we are not trying to be harsh on you.  We are just trying to help you get your head up out of the sand.  We are here to help you with that – with love and gentleness and kindness and compassion.  We have so much love for you and every time you put your head in the sand it doesn’t help.  We realize that the human body needs some down time.  But that down time is slated for the evening if you actually rest.  Come to us clothed in your violet flames, you will have blessed rest.  You body will rest; your higher self needs no rest.  Your higher self is always doing active things working with us, as is everyone’s.

I am Master Hilarion 

It is my honor to be here with you today. Tick tock, tick tock.  Remember we said when you hear the chime of the clock to think of us.  Well it is tick tock time now.  You will hear bells ringing everywhere, in your head, throughout all the mosques in Egypt, throughout all the other places, chimes and bells because things are changing now.  

This is a beautiful day to send healing energies out to all who need it.  And the tick tock was only about letting everyone know that it is no longer in the far, far future of something to happen. As we said the other day, it is now.  So we are trying to make every last ditch effort we can for the awareness of humanity to understand they need to pay attention now.  They need to focus on their thoughts now.  They need to know that we are near and we are going to be showing ourselves in many different ways.  So again it is kind of a way to play with you by saying tick tock, tick tock.  But it means many things that tick tock.  Many people think I can do that tomorrow, ‘I can do it tomorrow’, ‘oh I want to do that one day’, ‘soon we can plan for this’, maybe this will happen before too much longer’.  You need to not look so far into the future of how you want things to be in the human way.  You need to look forward in the future and in the near future of how you would like to see things in the 5th dimensional way, in the spiritual way.  Your human self will help get you there but you inner guide is the main one to get you there.

Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.July 3, 2013.  Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html


The Ground Laying of the Cornerstone for the New Earth

Lord Maitreya – There is much going on now.  What we have always spoken about what is coming- is no longer coming, it is Now.  Mostly we want you to know that it is not time for you to worry, for anyone to worry.  These are important messages we are sharing, we have been sharing and we want to see them continue to be shared.  Because humanity needs this assistance and this is what we are all about, you see, assisting humanity as these changes start to develop more and more rapidly.  They will be shockingly surprised, most of humanity, as to what they see and the jobs of the light workers and all the galactic federation workers and all the warrior of the light and all the beings that are here on the planet to assist, is to make sure that the worry-ness of fear and ‘what are we going to do’ and ‘how is this going to happen’, and we don’t understand that’, is diminished.   It is not necessarily anything that a human mind in its human capacity can understand; however, when the human taps into their inner self, their God self, their center core, that intelligence is all knowing.  And from that intelligence is where we would like to see all the actions evolve and come from.   Anytime you hear a clock ding it is a reminder to think of us.

Master Hilarion - There will be much healing needed, not only for the planet but for the trauma of the earth people that are left here will undergo.   We want to make sure that you are in line and understand that healing is to be needed.  It is first off, healing of the heart and healing of the mind.  Through the heart and the mind, all other illnesses and diseases and problems are removed.   So once those two areas are cleared and healed and filled with light only and love, the trauma of the changes and shifts will completely be dissolved from them.   As the days progress there is going to be much that everyone is speaking of.  Please, again we ask, don’t buy into the fear programs that are being run right now by the hierarchy of the other vibration.  We want to make sure that all of the human race that receives these messages will understand as well.

Master Serapis Bey - So as Shakespeare once said all the world is a stage and we are the players.  That is so true and the more that humanity discovers that they are just play acting in a roll on a stage in an illusionary platform, an illusionary world, because each one has created their own world as they wanted it to be, the ascension will be obtained for each and every one.

Your homeland of Egypt is in much turmoil.  There are changes going on that are mighty right now, so we ask that you send the call out again to all to continue sealing, sending out light and love and sealing off the area for protection.  It is of vital importance.  It is part of the stage right now that is in this act.  It is not the final act of all the plays yet but it is at the crucial moment where you are just glued to the screen to see what happens next.  It is the piece you don’t want to miss. But it is also the piece that you are a part of by sending light and love and protection and healing energy and only send those energetic vibrations to you brothers and sisters that are on the forefront as we have mentioned before.

We have prepared many, many temples in Egypt.  They are awaiting the return of our people as was said before.  In the 3rd dimensional level they look like they are in ruins, however in the 5th dimension and beyond they are in full color, power and glory and exquisitely beautiful, sparkling like jewels.  Each temple, as you step into each temple of the steps of gold, you will recognize where you are and you will be happy to say, ‘I have been here before.  I am glad to have returned and it feels like home.  I can from this octave of this temple in the etheric plane send healing energies to the 3D plane of my brothers and sisters in Egypt.’

So this is what we ask, that each one of you take the journey with us, as you sleep, into the etheric planes and go into the temples that are in the cosmic realms, mine is over Luxor.   When you go to this temple of ascension, and sent the love vibration back to your brothers and sisters of Egypt, it will flood through Egypt, throughout the whole world.  We have had this conversation before but we have not mentioned this step to join us in the etheric temples.  It will help and it will make each human on the planet excitedly happy and feel the love that comes from the temples, from the realm of our vibration that is sent down and around to all others who cannot sense it, who cannot feel it, who do not have it.  But it will enfold them none the less.
As we continue this journey down this road of everyone helping by ascending their light bodies to the temple at night, when you return to your bodies in the morning, also remember your journey to the temple and continue sending healing and love and light to the whole planet, to every one that is ever in your world and throughout the whole galaxies and cosmos.  This is to be an ongoing thing.  You are in the crux of 33 days.  The period is quiet, can be quiet unnerving, but it is also quiet alarming, but is also quiet assuring.  Because the changes are coming so rapidly, as they are integrated into each individual person, they are taken on much easier and then each next day you step forward with a new dimension of understanding.  So this 33 day period still continues.  You will hear still things happening a lot through the world.  Again we caution with you, work with me from my temple of ascension and just send love and healing vibration and light to every instance when you hear of and yes unnerving to you, alarming or upsetting.  Mother Earth is grateful for this assistance.  We are grateful for this assistance.

 Your space brothers and sister are near.  They have come closer and closer than what has been breached in the pasted.  They still have the cloak of invisibility however it is time for some of that to diminish and for us to being to show.  This is also a warning about do not run into the fear at the sight of it, when our ships do show.  Just be prepared, be looking for them.  Be grateful that there are enough here to help support each and everyone one who is asking for it.

Us, from the Ascended Master realm, have gone through many different galaxies and many different solar systems.  This one for now is not the only one we are part of or connected to; however, this one for now is the one with the most pressing activity going on.   And this one is to be the example that others may follow, obtain their own ascension.  Some have already ascended but many have not you see.

I am from Andromeda -  We have come from far to be a part of this magnificent change that is going on in this beautiful planet.  It was beautiful in the beginning, then it was not so beautiful, and now it is returning to its full beauty.   We are here not only to observe but to assist.  So it is simply, I stating to all of humanity, that we from Andromeda are here.  And we are willing to be part of assistance for anyone who asks, anyone who calls.  The only way they can call to us is to send us a mental vibration of an image of call, from their heart center.   That is how you will show up.  That is how we will notice you.  Your heart will call to us and we will be there instantly.  The planet will become spectacularly, exquisitely, beautifully known throughout all of the areas of the cosmic, through all different galaxies and solar systems because you see this, in this exact way, has never happened before and we are here to cheer it on.  And we are here to hold the head of Mother Earth as she goes through her grieving and to ease her pain in the process of mother earth and her children upon the planet.

I am Adama, High Priest(ess) of center earth, of Telos. - It is my honor to be here today. We are very excited for these changes.  We are looking so forward to returning to the surface and having not only the inner earth, but the surface earth be the same vibration so we can all share in the love and the excitement and the happiness and the bliss of the new earth, the new world.  The new world was termed some time ago from the United Kingdom over to the United States, however, the new world means, “The New World”.  Many of us here from Telos have been walking among you already.  We have been very careful to not let it be known that we are Telosian but we are here.  We are looking, we are watching, we are assisting, we are there at the sideline doing certain things that you are not even aware has happened.  Sometimes you catch yourself when you go down this particular alley way when you are in the throes of danger, however we have circumvented and you never realized that you were in the throes of danger.  We do this, the archangels do this, the Ascended Masters do this, we are all connected you see.  

Many of you have your sacred animals, your guardian, the animals that are with you, power animals.  This vehicle has the dragon as one of her power animals.  Puff is always with her.  He stands behind her huge like a mountain.  Everyone has an exquisite power animal that is with them at their beckon call always.  Most time they are invisible, sometimes they do appear.  We are excited to join you again.  We have missed our brothers and sisters who are on this planet.  We are excited for the merge of all the different countries and all the different continents to be of like mind, to be in love and peace.  So see, I bring you the picture of hope because we already know how it is to be.  Right now, as was mentioned earlier, you are at the part of the drama where all the excitement is going on and you don’t want to miss a thing of it.  Soon that will pass, but for now remember its only drama, it’s not real.  Send you love, send your healing vibration.  We will help.  We are always tapped into you, you see.

I am one of the Ancients - As the tides change so do the times on the earth.  You will see that the tides will actually change quiet drastically.  The skies will change too.  They have just done a tiny, tiny bit of what is coming but it is all to be well.  It is my honor to be here.

Lord Maitreya - Your cornerstone of ground laying for the new earth is what is going on in Egypt instead of the used of the words turmoil in Egypt.  The ground laying of the cornerstone for the new earth, we like those words much better.  And we and all of you are the architects, you see.

Channeled to Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.June 29, 2013.  Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html


June 10 – July 13 - Messages from Maitreya and Queen Tiye of Egypt

The time frame from June 10 – July 13, is extremely important for inter-development, inter worlds, inter research, inter- working.   Changes, we are so tired of the word ‘shifts’ and well, but it is shifts in a way.  Not actually shifts, it is ‘jolts’.  You understand how an earthquake comes and just goes  blohoooosh,  and everything is changed?  That is the earthquake period time for each individual human.  All humans will have it.  All humans will get it to a certain degree of acceptance.   Even the family units are going to have drastic earthquakes changes and experiences.  They may not all be good.  They may be something that would be so drastic that they look at their life path they have chosen for now and see where and when they are going to make changes and how that change is going to be and in what direction.  Some of it may not be pretty.  Try to remove yourself from it all emotionally.  Each time you respond to them (other humans/friends) or talk to them or communicate with them or energetically think of them, bring out energies through first.  

Queen Tiye 
We are as, Tyre energy, of course, very tied to Egypt.  It is the land that we all came from to begin with for the earth’s developed times.  We want to continue having people come to Egypt because Ra, Isis and Akhenaton have all requested of this vehicle to bring their people home, which is how everybody on the planet virtually now.

We have to continue sending healing, clearing vibration to the Governments of Egypt, to the people of Egypt that are being downtrodden and so controlled that the more blessings and love and creative thoughts sent to the planet and to Egypt (of course you know everything is to start there), so focus your thoughts, love, compassion and your healing and your ‘ripping off the fakeness’ to be revealed for truths.  Focus it all there, please for now.  They need it.  It is of vital importance.  

{Focus our love on that area of the globe as well as within our own hearts.}
And call out to other light workers and get them to join.  Send the call out over and over and over where it doesn't ever stop.  Focus the love and the truth to the land for Egypt and for the people that are occupying the space for Egypt.  It will flow from Egypt through the nearing towns and countries and cities.  It will go through Africa.  It will go through all of Asia – it will go.  But it has to start in Egypt you see; because this is where every one of you started.
The healing has to start where the festering wound first started.  You can’t put a Band-Aid over the symptom of a problem in the body someplace not even related close to where the initial problem is now can you?  Basically – the illness, the festering wound of humanity started in Egypt.  If the medicine, the energy, love, the vibration, the healing thought, loving thoughts, do not go to where the festering wound started, if it goes’ over to another far tributary to the east or the west or the north or the south, it’s the same as putting a Band-Aid over a cut finger when you have a toothache.  Now do you understand?

So that is what I’m trying to say as Grandmother to Tutankhamen, who was a dear love (when he was younger - -there were a few issues when he got older (she chuckled)– but he always felt his heart was in the right place).   

Don’t negate your powerful, positive thinking with self doubt coming from your mouth.  What you think that feels good and feels right let that breathe out. Instead of thinking something feels good and right and breathing out something that is going to completely negate it.  This is the same we want you to do with the healing for Egypt for the festering of the beginning of the wound.  Think good feeling, wonderful ways of love, and healing and light and bright and truths and correctness coming through all that is there.  And then when you speak, don’t speak with the ones that are saying, ‘oh that’s so terrible’.  Speak with ‘but it’s going to change.  It is in the process of being corrected now.  I have so much love and compassion for our brothers and sisters there who are on the forefront.  They are the army, they are the lines, and they are the first ones into battle.  They are the ones forging the way.’  Now do you see? 

(King Tut’s Grandmother and wife of Amenhotep III)  She pronounced is as Tyre even with no “r” in the spelling.   She said that her energy is a blend of the grandmother image of King Tut, of the mer people (mermaid type), and an amazing Star being of light.  She is all of those combined and, at times, one or more energetic vibrations moves to the forefront for what is required for a particular situation.

Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html


Certain Times on your Planet have Created much Energy Confusion and much Energy Influx

Channeled to Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, April 1, 2013.
We are Amun-RA, Goddess Isis, Mother Mary, the Merlin, Archangel Michael and many more Archangels and realm angels are always present with each discourse given, St. Germain, Lord Sananda, Yogananda and Sri Yukteswar.  

We will begin.

Certain times on your planet have created much energy confusion and much energy influx.  This is a time of both.  As you will witness among your fellow humans, all are going though expressions, feelings, emotions, fatigue and excitement with energy all mixed up as one big bowl of soup that you are taking in through your breathe.  We say that this is normal for now and to remind you to relax and just really take in deep breaths.  Deep clearing and cleansing breaths each time you sense just a little change in your mood, feeling, and body or in someone that you are encountering.  All is the same and all is connected so when someone feels a thing, you will also, just in different degrees.  At time, you might not even notice the feeling in you but it is there, deep inside your magnificent body that is tuned to pick up each and every little signal, energy and vibrational change anywhere on your planet and across the cosmic so do not be alarmed.  This is why we so often remind you to relax and when you can, just rest.  This can easy you through most of the energy shifts, changes and downloads that are increasing daily across your planet. 

Each time you hear of another shift form a different special messenger who has received their channeled information, again you will experience some sort of vibrational energy impression throughout your body.  Things will go on all day, every day so at every chance you have to remember, please breathe in deeply and also remember to drink plenty of good fresh, clean water.  Your body consists of much water which is why at times you can feel the tremors and shakes inside your veins and under the layer of skin you have as your over shell for your spirit body.  Water is a strong conductor of energy and you must replace it in your body often for you to be able to easy through these challenging times easier. 

 I am RA and I want to say that I am with you and I will always be with you. 
 Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html  


New Earth Rising-Pleiadian Message

This is a great video and I felt that it needed to be shared today.
Please enjoy it - - it is very powerful!!
Simple and to the point!
Much love - Madalyn


Isis and RA Messages

Latest Message from Ra and Isis
channeled to Dr. Madalyn Kennedy
Uploaded to March 8, 2013 to Beloved Essences youtube

Hello dear one we are here it has been a while since we have communicated with you this way.

I am RA.  It is nice to see you smile upon hearing the name.

We are a unity of consciousness, as you know.  We are here to help the majority of humanity who will allow it.   We have been working tirelessly through other channels, such as yourself, and in other ways and means to offer our assistance to those of the human form who have previously been blinded to; and lack the ability. to focus their attention and hearing upon the messages we are here to share and the assistance we are here to offer. 

In saying thus, we’re excited that soon you will be speaking to a large group of entities/peoples/humans who are in readiness to receive information you are to pass on to them from our vibrational impressions funneled to you as a clear and true pure channel of RA, Isis and many other beings of known names in your community.  All is a collective you see and at times a piece or a portion of the collective will step forth to be identified as a recognizable name to create a resonance and a remembrance of the certain ones who will be in the room ready to receive the information.  Once the resonance is created the resistance will be lessened and diminished to a level that receptability will be welcomed.

We have never left you dear one you are the one who is chosen to the non-communicative.  However, do not alarm or concern yourself with it.  It is part of your vibrational growth, healing and journey.  You do as you need to do.  We are always allowing this for you and for any others who do the same.
Isis has a message.  Dear beloved ones of my heart, I am Isis.

 I am thrilled and honored to be in this vibration with you today.  It is amazing to see the awareness becoming so prominent now across the majority of your lands; the awareness of us as multidimensional collective consciousness beings of light, and the awareness of each of you as part of the same.   There is no disconnect you see between us and any of you.  We are always here and ready to be of aid and assistance to you in whatever way you will allow and accept it.  Many times we have had the door shut and then again many times we see that door begin to crack open and we flood through the crack our light and love to each and every one of you so that you know you are in a safe place; that you are truly and deeply loved, and that you are an infinite being of light just as We. We are thrilled for the recognition you have given us today.  You are powerful.  We are powerful. Together much can be done.  However singularly us or each of you basically wait and stand alone until the connection is made of unity where in mass every one grows toward the universal consciousness and the understanding of One from the Creator direct from source energy.  All is part of the One as the call from the musketeers that is so familiar to you through your movies, ‘One for all and all for One.’  Now you see how well that resonates with each and every one of you for it is a true calling.  I am Isis, I love you truly dear ones.  You are always in our hearts.  We are always with you.  Never forget we’re just a thought away from pure total love and complete help and assistance for whatever is going on in your human life at the time.  We have the ability to help ease any friction, any discomfort, and any pain.  But again you must just ask and allow our help.  We are happy to be with you.  I step from you now, enfolding you in our love dear one, gracious and beautiful beings that you are. 

We always say there is an interesting turn of events.  There is always an interesting turn of events happening at any moment in time.   There is much going on in the upper levels that you are not aware of and cannot see.  However you sense it.  Your bodies feel it.  The energy of the vibration the planet feels it.  The energy that is growing each and every blade of grass and tree leaf and flower and in the understanding of each beautiful being of the animal kingdom, all is felt.  If they can feel it, so do you in your human form feel it.  So we remind you there is nothing that is fearful. It is just change.  It is just change and change is always happening, always.  If there is no change then of course you know the life energy is beginning to leave you.  However with change you are embracing the life energy that is you

 I am RA.  I am grateful for this time with you.  I step away now, dear beloved beings of the light.  We will work with this more at a later point in time.   Adoni. Adoni.  You are all dearly, truly and deeply loved.  


Light Being Meditation and Preparation

Preparation for Meditation

You can use any of the Beloved Essences with this meditation practice that you might have on hand. I found I have gotten the best results using the Divine Feminine on my heart area, and ISIS and RA Essence on each wrist pulse point. Then rub your wrists together, close your eyes, and smell. You can alternate this with the Divine Light Body set of the Pineal Gland and Kings Chamber but this set is to be used only twice a week at the most. It’s too powerful to be used daily. 

Light Being Meditation 

from the Book, "The Divine Feminine Emergence – Mortal to ImmortalThe Return of the Crystalline Light Bodies, Yours and Mother Earth’s" by Madalyn Kennedy

Sit back, Relax.  Get yourself in a calm space, close your eyes and focus on your breath.

Gently and slowly breathe in and out and in and out.  Releasing tension and worry.  Breathe in and out.  Relaxing more and more.  Releasing more and more.  Continue to breathe in and out  slowly  

You are one of us dear one and we are one of you.  There is no difference you see.  We are so connected that one breath breaths for all of us.  One breath, one being - One.  Consciousness is One.  Expand that consciousness to become the One that is the loving, nurturing, healing and compassionate that it has always been.  As for any other entities with a different agenda, they do not matter.  All will become one with the light anyway. 

The time is now and we are with you consistently.  The little everyday dramas that go on in the human evolvement back to spirit will soon be recognized as just that;  little melodramas that are not real nor are they important.  They are what you created to learn, grow and enjoy through each aspect of your adventure on this planet.  Once you really get a grasp of that and know you are the true creator, your human drama and issues will just melt away.  You will step forth each day in awe, wonderment, gratitude, love and excitement for all who are sharing this planetary space with you. 

We are here to help you come to that understanding if you will allow our help.  Just breathe calmly in and out and relax into the wonderful calm place of love and protection.  Let yourself drift to your beautiful sacred space which you love to do and continue to breathe,.  Relax complete and totally. 

Now -  see yourself as the beautiful, perfect, complete and whole light being as we see you.  Can you see you?  Imagine your image if you are not seeing this just yet.  The imagination is very powerful and it becomes a reality soon enough.  Imagine your true self, your powerful self and imagine you seeing us light beings surrounding you and being with you daily for encouragement and support in every aspect that you could possible imagine or have a need of.  Now notice just how our energies and light bodies seem to connect and in places merge together and in places are separate. 

You see, we are part of you and have always been.  Now breathe more deeply and stay relaxed.  Let us guide you with any questions you may still have as to the how’s, whys and when’s; and the what if’s and why not’s.  We will always sent d you the correct answers which will resonate true for you. 

We ask that you view yourself in this space of the true light being that you really are; the powerful messenger that you are and return to your daily activities with that understanding and knowledge. 

So now gently return yourself to your physical form, easily, and slowly.  And when you are ready.  Open your eyes and let them smile.

Channeled to and Copyright of Madalyn Kennedy , all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it is not altered in any way and authors websites are clearly stated http://www.belovedessences.com  http://www.ancientheartstravel.weebly.com


Thank You Oh Great Spirit

Today, I woke up hearing the words, ”Thank you O Great Spirit of the 4......" (winds, worlds, directions) not sure but here are the words I received. 1st part is a beautiful prayer and the 2nd part is further clarification and when we should use it.

"Thank you oh Great Spirit for all my blessing you have bestowed upon me and all the inexhaustible supply of abundance you have provided for me.  I am at your service and I honor all your requests.  You are the reason for breath.  The reason for any and every thought and decision and you are forever all prevailing.  As your faithful servant and child I am humbled by your presence and your power of love.  
"Oh Great Spirit of the many worlds and dimensions, come forth today in everything that I do, in every move I make and in every thought where I can completely and totally honor your presence in all my actions; actions toward myself and toward any other beings, creatures or spirits that I come in contact with now and always.  
"Oh Great Spirit of All, I humbly beseech you to come in your full glory and power and reveal yourself to me in countless ways today and every day from here forward.  So Mote it Be." 

 I am the Great Spirit of Adam, of Noah, of Anatokie (sp?), of Angels, Beasts, Creations, Galaxies, Foul, Fauna, solids, liquid, air, sonic, temperature, of the form and formless.  

I am with you completely and as you have been awoken by me directly, know that you are receiving guidance from me daily now even stronger than before.  As creator of this world and all worlds, you are a small but very important part of this creation.  As part, you will continue your growth on planet earth for a few more years and reach out to help others to grow also.  Not everyone will see things as you do but that is part of their own individual growth and development programs for them.  Remember this.  All are not seeing as you or understand as you because each is so wonderfully different.  You work is to recognize that in each and every being of light that you come into contact with and honor Their way of seeing, perceiving and understanding.  You must allow each and every one to be their own person and we will help you with this.  From now forward hold NO judgment against anything or anyone.  None whatsoever.  Judgment is non-productive in your growth development and in those of which you tend to judge, even if you are not realizing or meaning to judge, you still judge.  We will help to dissolve this from you.  It is not serving you.  Always bless each and every child of spirit that presents themselves to you , not matter what form the come in.  Be happy and grateful and full of love and blessing for all of life.

This is what we are here to share with you today.

Thank you for coming here immediately to take down our words.  Thank you for the beautiful prayer and thank you for your continued love to all of us beings of light and to the Great Spirit of which we all belong.  We are all and we are you.   You will find yourself different from this day forward and if you notice that you are slipping back into your before ways and impressions, remember to read this beautiful prayer.  It is for your supply and nourishment.

Many blessing to you.   We are with you.

Message received by Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, January 23, 2013.  Founder of www.belovedessences.com.   Feel free to re-post this message in its entirety, as long as this complete statement is included.  


I Am RA - Welcome to 2013

I am RA and I am here to assist you with your understanding and releasing of the old energetic ways to allow the new awakening of your True self to now step to the forefront of your life and world.  As these changes continue to take you on an emotional roller-coaster ride of ups and downs just remember that all is of the light and you are simply making your swift change of removing the old system of doubts, fear and false belief structures.  Some of that can be a bit taxing on your emotions and on your bodies but remember that the roller coaster will always come to an end of the ride and then it’s your choice to ride again or to just simply enjoy what you just experienced, learn from it and move on.  This is a simple little explanation of what is happening majorly in your bodies at this time but we felt that you could understand it better being stated this way.

At times you will notice that the words “I” and the words “we” are interchangeable in this message because “I” Amun RA is part of the “we” same as you.  Of course, this English is not my first or foremost language which I’m sure most of you have figured out by now.  However, my English language skills have improved drastically over the many years of channeling messages through my dear daughters who are now situated all over the planet, same as for my dear sons.  They are many, many of my children who have agreed and are able to receive my messages from a clear and open channel perspective of which I am well pleased.

We wish to welcome you to 2013, your NEW Year which begins a completely different and totally unknown previously from any of the preceding years.  The planet and the cosmic at this time of the New Year has made many preparations to welcome all your beautiful crystalline light beings back into the understanding of your true forms; the loveliness of YOU.

As we speak, this very moment, portals are continuing to be opened across the galaxy and across your planet to continue receiving the energies of 5th dimension energy work; and even dimension further then the 5th. .Some of you are ready for beyond the 5th.  Some of you are ready for the 5th and many of you are still extremely happy with the 3rd and we say, We Love You regardless of where you chose that is the most comfortable match to your vibration at this time.  Everyone one of you are in the exact correct vibrational space that you have been prepared for through many nights of sleep time preparations and training.  Most of you do not remember and will not remember much of your training but we say that you are trained and you are ready for your next step in the evolutionary cycle of life as your planet continues to build and grow.   Same as the universal galaxies continue to build and change and grow.  Energy is constant change, don’t you agree?  So, of course, there is always change and growth in every little minute particle in your world and the universal galaxies.

We will take you on a little journey now through the galactic systems and as you come with us on this journey, just remember to breathe, stay relaxed and clam and enjoy the time being spent with us as we escort you on your journey today.  This is a special gift to those of you who will take the time to read this message.

Today as you sit in your comfortable homes, or find yourselves in a position of which you are so disappointed, know that nothing is as it seems today.  The veil of illusion is being removed and if you allow us to assist in the removal of your blinders, self imposed, I must say; you will be able to see past the illusion and know that you are Divine, all knowing, all encompassing light and power.  Ah, this makes us smile as we feel many of you have sensed this as we wrote these words for you to read.  Again this is energy and energy is always changing and the words of energetic vibration are able to morph into your body and consciousness, heart and all your chakras and a sense of “Truth and Knowing” emerges.  Now take just a few moments and enjoy your feeling of truth and knowing and remember to breathe.

All you ever need to do is ask for us or simply send a quick thought to us and we are instantly by your side in every situation.  This has been forgotten for so long because you cannot see in the realm of which our energy exists but with the veil tinning as it is now, you will see and you will find us there anxiously awaiting to assist and be with you.   So for now, we say do the pretend thing.  Pretend as if you can see us, hear us and feel us and shortly you will no longer need to pretend as we will be visible to everyone across this planet as the transitions continue.
There is no need for fear, guilt, remorse, sadness or anger about anything.  There is only room for love filtered through all of us beings of light to you and we ask that you send that power of love back out to everyone you come into contact with from this day forward.  This is a new day.  A new year and a new dawning for planet earth and we are here to help you celebrate your true abilities of your true selves.

We are Amun-Ra, Mother Mary, St, Germain, Merlin, Melchezedic, Lord Michael, Sananda (Jesus to many), Isis, Encarta from the Pleiades and all the Ascended Masters and your Family of Light throughout every galaxy system now known and even unknown to you as humans.  We are love, we cover you in our love and we honor this transition that we have witnessed for each and every one of you.

Channeled to and Copyright of Madalyn Kennedy , all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it is not altered in any way and authors websites are clearly stated http://www.belovedessences.com  http://www.ancientheartstravel.weebly.com