Lord Maitreya – There is much going on now. What we have always spoken about what is coming- is no longer coming, it is Now. Mostly we want you to know that it is not time for you to worry, for anyone to worry. These are important messages we are sharing, we have been sharing and we want to see them continue to be shared. Because humanity needs this assistance and this is what we are all about, you see, assisting humanity as these changes start to develop more and more rapidly. They will be shockingly surprised, most of humanity, as to what they see and the jobs of the light workers and all the galactic federation workers and all the warrior of the light and all the beings that are here on the planet to assist, is to make sure that the worry-ness of fear and ‘what are we going to do’ and ‘how is this going to happen’, and we don’t understand that’, is diminished. It is not necessarily anything that a human mind in its human capacity can understand; however, when the human taps into their inner self, their God self, their center core, that intelligence is all knowing. And from that intelligence is where we would like to see all the actions evolve and come from. Anytime you hear a clock ding it is a reminder to think of us.
Master Hilarion - There will be much healing needed, not only for the planet but for the trauma of the earth people that are left here will undergo. We want to make sure that you are in line and understand that healing is to be needed. It is first off, healing of the heart and healing of the mind. Through the heart and the mind, all other illnesses and diseases and problems are removed. So once those two areas are cleared and healed and filled with light only and love, the trauma of the changes and shifts will completely be dissolved from them. As the days progress there is going to be much that everyone is speaking of. Please, again we ask, don’t buy into the fear programs that are being run right now by the hierarchy of the other vibration. We want to make sure that all of the human race that receives these messages will understand as well.
Master Serapis Bey - So as Shakespeare once said all the world is a stage and we are the players. That is so true and the more that humanity discovers that they are just play acting in a roll on a stage in an illusionary platform, an illusionary world, because each one has created their own world as they wanted it to be, the ascension will be obtained for each and every one.
Your homeland of Egypt is in much turmoil. There are changes going on that are mighty right now, so we ask that you send the call out again to all to continue sealing, sending out light and love and sealing off the area for protection. It is of vital importance. It is part of the stage right now that is in this act. It is not the final act of all the plays yet but it is at the crucial moment where you are just glued to the screen to see what happens next. It is the piece you don’t want to miss. But it is also the piece that you are a part of by sending light and love and protection and healing energy and only send those energetic vibrations to you brothers and sisters that are on the forefront as we have mentioned before.
We have prepared many, many temples in Egypt. They are awaiting the return of our people as was said before. In the 3rd dimensional level they look like they are in ruins, however in the 5th dimension and beyond they are in full color, power and glory and exquisitely beautiful, sparkling like jewels. Each temple, as you step into each temple of the steps of gold, you will recognize where you are and you will be happy to say, ‘I have been here before. I am glad to have returned and it feels like home. I can from this octave of this temple in the etheric plane send healing energies to the 3D plane of my brothers and sisters in Egypt.’
So this is what we ask, that each one of you take the journey with us, as you sleep, into the etheric planes and go into the temples that are in the cosmic realms, mine is over Luxor. When you go to this temple of ascension, and sent the love vibration back to your brothers and sisters of Egypt, it will flood through Egypt, throughout the whole world. We have had this conversation before but we have not mentioned this step to join us in the etheric temples. It will help and it will make each human on the planet excitedly happy and feel the love that comes from the temples, from the realm of our vibration that is sent down and around to all others who cannot sense it, who cannot feel it, who do not have it. But it will enfold them none the less.
As we continue this journey down this road of everyone helping by ascending their light bodies to the temple at night, when you return to your bodies in the morning, also remember your journey to the temple and continue sending healing and love and light to the whole planet, to every one that is ever in your world and throughout the whole galaxies and cosmos. This is to be an ongoing thing. You are in the crux of 33 days. The period is quiet, can be quiet unnerving, but it is also quiet alarming, but is also quiet assuring. Because the changes are coming so rapidly, as they are integrated into each individual person, they are taken on much easier and then each next day you step forward with a new dimension of understanding. So this 33 day period still continues. You will hear still things happening a lot through the world. Again we caution with you, work with me from my temple of ascension and just send love and healing vibration and light to every instance when you hear of and yes unnerving to you, alarming or upsetting. Mother Earth is grateful for this assistance. We are grateful for this assistance.
Your space brothers and sister are near. They have come closer and closer than what has been breached in the pasted. They still have the cloak of invisibility however it is time for some of that to diminish and for us to being to show. This is also a warning about do not run into the fear at the sight of it, when our ships do show. Just be prepared, be looking for them. Be grateful that there are enough here to help support each and everyone one who is asking for it.
Us, from the Ascended Master realm, have gone through many different galaxies and many different solar systems. This one for now is not the only one we are part of or connected to; however, this one for now is the one with the most pressing activity going on. And this one is to be the example that others may follow, obtain their own ascension. Some have already ascended but many have not you see.
I am from Andromeda - We have come from far to be a part of this magnificent change that is going on in this beautiful planet. It was beautiful in the beginning, then it was not so beautiful, and now it is returning to its full beauty. We are here not only to observe but to assist. So it is simply, I stating to all of humanity, that we from Andromeda are here. And we are willing to be part of assistance for anyone who asks, anyone who calls. The only way they can call to us is to send us a mental vibration of an image of call, from their heart center. That is how you will show up. That is how we will notice you. Your heart will call to us and we will be there instantly. The planet will become spectacularly, exquisitely, beautifully known throughout all of the areas of the cosmic, through all different galaxies and solar systems because you see this, in this exact way, has never happened before and we are here to cheer it on. And we are here to hold the head of Mother Earth as she goes through her grieving and to ease her pain in the process of mother earth and her children upon the planet.
I am Adama, High Priest(ess) of center earth, of Telos. - It is my honor to be here today. We are very excited for these changes. We are looking so forward to returning to the surface and having not only the inner earth, but the surface earth be the same vibration so we can all share in the love and the excitement and the happiness and the bliss of the new earth, the new world. The new world was termed some time ago from the United Kingdom over to the United States, however, the new world means, “The New World”. Many of us here from Telos have been walking among you already. We have been very careful to not let it be known that we are Telosian but we are here. We are looking, we are watching, we are assisting, we are there at the sideline doing certain things that you are not even aware has happened. Sometimes you catch yourself when you go down this particular alley way when you are in the throes of danger, however we have circumvented and you never realized that you were in the throes of danger. We do this, the archangels do this, the Ascended Masters do this, we are all connected you see.
Many of you have your sacred animals, your guardian, the animals that are with you, power animals. This vehicle has the dragon as one of her power animals. Puff is always with her. He stands behind her huge like a mountain. Everyone has an exquisite power animal that is with them at their beckon call always. Most time they are invisible, sometimes they do appear. We are excited to join you again. We have missed our brothers and sisters who are on this planet. We are excited for the merge of all the different countries and all the different continents to be of like mind, to be in love and peace. So see, I bring you the picture of hope because we already know how it is to be. Right now, as was mentioned earlier, you are at the part of the drama where all the excitement is going on and you don’t want to miss a thing of it. Soon that will pass, but for now remember its only drama, it’s not real. Send you love, send your healing vibration. We will help. We are always tapped into you, you see.
I am one of the Ancients - As the tides change so do the times on the earth. You will see that the tides will actually change quiet drastically. The skies will change too. They have just done a tiny, tiny bit of what is coming but it is all to be well. It is my honor to be here.
Lord Maitreya - Your cornerstone of ground laying for the new earth is what is going on in Egypt instead of the used of the words turmoil in Egypt. The ground laying of the cornerstone for the new earth, we like those words much better. And we and all of you are the architects, you see.
Channeled to Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.June 29, 2013. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html
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