Emergence: God / Source Grid Meditation by Sananda --
Ascension Time is Now --
We are All Spiraling Upward
by Lord Sananda 1/27/14
channeled by Rev. Janisel of Sanandas Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad janisel (((at))) sanandaseagles.com
[*The GOD/SOURCE GRID: It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that Something BIG is coming. You can't quite describe it or put your finger on what that something is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That something, that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply Creator or God, however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity and all grids in our Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe.]
Salutations! I am Sananda, come to bring the new meditation to YOU, MY BELOVED STARSEEDS and LIGHTWORKERS. Can you feel the Solar Winds? They blow upon the Spark, the Flame, within the Heart of all sentient beings, both here and throughout the cosmos. The Breath of the Mother, you might call them, and they do, indeed, bring great change upon this beautiful planet.
Before you do this meditation each day -- for at least 15 minutes per day, I am asking you to follow the protocol: Ground, Center, and State Your Intention for your meditation/s to join the energies of Project: Eagle Triad as they are sent out here and to the Cosmos.
I am asking YOU to connect with what Archangel Michael has termed the *God/Source Grid, and it has previously been suggested to you to visualize this grid as a net encircling your globe, getting pulled tighter around the planet as the energies increase. And may I make a suggestion? Please visualize it as a net of Light and not, perhaps, an old, dingy fishing net, for that…Light…is the Truth of it. And within this grid are all the Divine Virtues, Qualities and Attributes of the Creator, all of the makings of what you think of as ‘Heaven’.
I am asking YOU to do this meditation as a ‘group intent’, however, it might be quite interesting for all of you to compare notes, as it were, after a few days and discover whether or not you were visualizing the same thing. There is no ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ in how you visualize in this meditation, there are comparisons only, and hopefully new and enlightening perspectives that you, yourself, may not have thought of before.
So, I am asking YOU to connect, through your intent, to the God Grid, visualizing it as a net that surrounds not only the earth but also every human. A ‘multiple’ of nets, so to speak. And I want you to visualize these nets slowing shrinking and getting closer and closer around both the planet and the peoples, enveloping them in all the Qualities and Virtues contained in this grid.
You realize, of course, that as this God/Source Grid fully merges with each being, hearts and minds will open, war on your planet will cease, unity consciousness will reign, and all will awaken to their True Self, the Divine Blueprint of whom is also imprinted and contained within this Grid…so stay connected and bring Heaven to Earth. And so it shall be and is. I am Sananda. Good day.
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/starseeds-worldwide-emergence-god-source-grid-meditation-by?xg_source=facebook#ixzz2reus7p5j
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